Students for Senegal

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Alix Robine - 2024

What is a memory you will never forget from your time in Senegal

The memory that will stay with me for many years to come is the day we had to leave the village. That day we had spent as much time as we could with our buddies. We exchanged gifts, took pictures, and cherished the last few moments we had with each other. Near the end of the day we had played one huge soccer game, Senegal vs. USA. All the kids of the village came and cheered us on as we played the game. We all shared the same love for one game and were able to communicate through our excitement. After that was the moment we had all been dreading the most, saying goodbye. In that moment I had realized how strong of a bond my buddy and I had built in such a short amount of time. Overall, the friendships and memories in the village will stick with you for a really long time which is a really special thing to be able to experience.